
Currently... November!

October was an extremely busy month. Four days of parent-teacher conferences, one week of vacation, travel, Halloween, and LOTS of things going on at school. So, I'm happy that November is finally here. It's time for another Currently from Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade!
Listening: These days I MUST have some noise in the background. Does this happen as a result of teaching? I didn't used to be this way, but now I always have podcasts, radio, or tv on in the background, even if I'm not really listening. But I do love this podcast from NPR. It's one I actually listen to. ;)

Loving: I've been waiting for weeks to feel the chilly, crisp feel of Fall. It has been unseasonably warm in San Francisco. I'm ready to start wearing my jackets, boots, and sweaters. Thanks to Stitch Fix, I have some really great pieces that I'm eager to wear. 

Thinking: This is the first weekend since the school year started that I haven't worked for at least part of my weekend. I feel like I'm FINALLY in a routine with my students, and am able to plan and prep at school rather than needing extra time at home. It's so much work to change schools!

Wanting: I am seriously craving these blueberry pancakes. Simple but delicious.

Needing: So far, I have no plans for Thanksgiving. But since I'm back in the US, I think we'll start a new tradition... Maybe spending the weekend in Napa Valley?

Reading: I first "met" Lena Dunham in her unusual, witty, and sometimes awkward series "Girls". I watched the most recent season in less than one week, so I was thrilled to learn about her new book Not That Kind of Girl! As I read it, I keep thinking about how rare it is for someone to bare their flaws and share who they are without trying to impress or fit into a mold. Dunham shares her mistakes, challenges, and triumphs in such a personal way... and one that's full of humor.

Be sure to check out Farley's page for more Currently!


  1. those blueberry pancakes look amazing...and I'm not even a pancake kinda girl! Is it a Pinterest recipe? Yum!

    1. Hi Beth! It is indeed a Pinterest recipe... And my go-to pancake recipe. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love your post! Now I have a hankering for blueberry pancakes! Napa for Thanksgiving sounds like a great tradition to me. Lena Dunham is such a talented woman. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next!

    1. You just can't beat pancakes at brunch, right? You should definitely check out Lena Dunham's book.
      Have a great week!

  3. Love your blog and book recommendation. Northern California sounds heavenly this time of year. I'm just south of you, in Southern California. :)

    Hope you get some pancakes!

    1. I hope you get some of this wonderful Fall weather in Southern California soon! I did indeed have a delicious brunch, but chose an omelette over the pancakes. Go figure. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  4. I have been so curious about Lena's book, now I may have to go get it for myself! And also some pancakes :)

    Good for you for not bringing your work home this weekend. Hopefully I'm almost to that stage too! I also changed schools this year and it is a lot of extra prep!

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher

    1. Hi Tasha! I hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel as far as extra prep at your new school goes. All the extra hours at a new school makes us appreciate holidays even more, right? :)
      Hoping you have a great week!
