Read and Respond: My New Morning Routine!


I'm a multi-tasker. As teachers, we have to be, right? With so much to do and with so many interruptions during the school day, we have to figure out how to make the most of our time with students at every opportunity. That said, I'm always looking for ways to address multiple skills in one activity. This year, when I saw that my students needed practice with handwriting, improving their writing stamina, and adding details to their writing (and elaborating on their ideas in general), I thought long and hard about how to address these issues. I decided a quick but consistent routine made sense, and since I decided to implement this routine first thing in the morning, it gave the added benefit of some quiet contemplation to start our day. ;)


While I was creating this resource, I needed to differentiate it for my students, and I wanted to give students the opportunity to "grow into" the read and respond page (without tracing the words). Some students will probably need the practice and repetition of tracing for much of the year, while others will be ready to write more lengthy responses instead of tracing. With both the manuscript version and cursive version, you have both options. 

This October-themed resource has 20 pages of read, trace, respond, and 20 pages of the alternative read and respond... Enough for the entire month! :)

Check out the manuscript or cursive version by clicking on the product pics below!

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