It has been a very busy few weeks! With how tired I am, it feels like we've been back in school for months already. But the kiddos are still learning many of the routines... and we're practicing A LOT.

But here we are, brainstorming our writing ideas and beginning to draft our first personal narrative after recently launching the writing workshop. Each student uses his own personal mini-dictionary, which I LOVE! It's similar to an individual word wall, but in dictionary form. If a student isn't sure how to spell something, he underlines the word and keeps writing. Then at the end of the class I add those words to their dictionaries.

I'm always looking for an quick, healthy breakfast that will keep me going until lunch time. I love overnight oats for their ease and versatility... There are tons of delicious combinations and toppings you can use! I keep it simple with a little bit of brown sugar and fresh fruit.
Students have been learning how to ask questions while they read, then discuss their ideas with reading buddies. This year I'm using the lined Post-Its because last year my students' handwriting on Post-Its was horrendous. So far they're working out much better!
Those of you who take public transportation can relate to the utter annoyance I'm feeling these days. There has been some sort of drama every day this week, from a homeless man yelling at all the passengers, to my train breaking down on the first rainy day since who knows when... you get the picture. Anyway, I'm thinking VERY seriously about getting one of these!
We had a great Back to School Night tonight! All of the info can be overwhelming, especially when you teach multiple classes, but everyone seemed to enjoy getting to know the teachers and other parents.
I am SO ready for the weekend! I have a few fun plans that I'm going to post about very soon. What are your plans for the weekend? Happy Friday!
I love that you are using lined post-it notes. Our building doesn't supply them, so I've always used the regular ones. I may just have to splurge for them! Have a great weekend.
Stories by Storie
I took public transit to school my first year of teaching, so I can totally relate! And I was taking the train to the far south side of Chicago, so I didn't feel the safest either. I'm close enough to my new school to ride my bike, which is so great. Love the lined post-its... definitely going to have to look into that.
Years That Ask Questions