
Currently... June!

It's finally June!!! This is the BEST month to link up for Currently with Oh' Boy Fourth Grade!

I recently discovered the series Damages. I really like it... except for one thing: The constant shifts in time. There are at least 5 flashbacks per episode, shifting the viewer from what we know, to "pretend you don't already know that" frame of mind. It can be kind of annoying. Otherwise, the acting is great and the story lines leave you in suspense wondering how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. 

I've been getting back into a routine of spinning and TRX this past month, and it feels really good. I took a very long break after the holidays. I don't know what it was... maybe the lack of daylight hours or the general blah feeling that accompanies me through January and February. I slowly started to get back into my fitness routine in March, but finally started going at least 3 times per week this past month. I have so much more energy these days. 

I am SO ready to get this summer started! I'll be traveling for six weeks, mostly visiting my former home, Madrid! I have really missed it this year. It's my first year back in the US after living abroad for many years, and I am really looking forward to being back in Europe. I'll be sure to post pics throughout the summer, so be sure to follow me on bloglovin, instagram and facebook to see some amazing views and get updates from across the pond. 

Now that testing is over and I've finished writing (73!) report card comments, I really want to enjoy the last 7.5 days with my students. I have some fun things planned, and I'm looking forward to keeping things light! Click on the product pics below to see what we'll be having fun with during these last couple of weeks! :)

The day after school is out, I'm flying off to start my summer vacation by visiting my family and friends in Atlanta. I haven't seen my sister for over a year!

Summer Lovin
As I mentioned, I can't wait to catch up with the family! Also, spending a week in Crete, a week in Cyprus, and 4 weeks traveling around Spain is certainly making it difficult to get through these last 2 weeks of school! I can't wait can't wait can't wait!!! And to top it all off, I'll be spending a few days at the Reading Institute at Teachers College in August, right before school starts. I feel very lucky indeed.
What are your summer plans?

Be sure to check out more blogs by clicking on the link below! :)


  1. I think I'm the only blogger in America not going to Vegas in July, but I'm going to Teacher's College in August too! I'm attending the Writing Institute though. Enjoy your travels!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  2. I have always wanted to take up spinning! It always feels good getting back into a routine doesn't it?! Wow! your travel plans sound sooo fun! enjoy yourself!

    Kayla in the Classroom

  3. Wow I am super jealous of your Europe travel plans! I would love to go there someday!

    Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten

  4. Wow, Europe sounds wonderful! Good luck on these last few days!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  5. I've always wanted to travel throughout Europe! Have fun! Carol's Teaching Garden
