
Currently... March!

March is here, and it's time for another linky with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade!
Listening: House of Cards is back! It feels like years since the last season ended. I was scanning Netflix yesterday and discovered Season 3! I just love to hate Frank Underwood, don't you?

Loving: One of my favorite things about the weekend is indulging in brunch. This weekend I enjoyed strawberry french toast, veggie quiche, blueberry pancakes... yum!

Thinking & Wanting: I leave tomorrow morning with the entire second grade to go on a five-day ski trip! I'm feeling quite a mix of emotions about this, ranging from excitement to anxiety. It's my first time on the trip, so that certainly doesn't help my nerves. And I've never done such an extended field trip... Fingers crossed for all to go as planned! It should be a great time!

Needing: I'm definitely feeling the need to travel, but it looks like I'll be staying in California until the summer.  

Spring Break Plans: I think I'll spend time in San Francisco, doing some of the things I rarely do unless someone comes to visit... museums, Golden Gate Park, maybe even a ballet?

Hope you have a great week!

Hop on over to Farley's to see more Currently!


  1. A five-day field trip!? Wow! I couldn't imagine being with my particular group of kids for that long. I hope it all goes smoothly for you. I think that being a tourist in your own city can be very eye opening--especially when you live in such a vibrant city. The California Academy of Sciences is one of my favorite places to go in San Francisco.

    Teaching from Beyond the Desk

    1. Hi Laura,
      You're right, five days with kids is a LONG time!
      Thanks for reminding me about the Academy of Sciences-- I'll add that to my tourist list. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I have yet to watch House of Cards, but I do think it looks intriguing! I genuinely LOVE San Francisco. I drove from Ohio to California and back a few years ago, and I am itching for a road trip again! The Big Sur area along the coast was once of my favorite parts of that trip. And Yosemite. And the Grand Canyon. It was pretty much heaven. Hope you get to go on a road trip of your own soon! (I actually posted on my Currently that I want to go to DC to see the cherry blossoms in bloom!)
    Adventures of a Schoolmarm

    1. Hi Beth! You should definitely check out House of Cards... but I warn you--it's addictive. ;)
      You're right, there is a lot to see in California (and nearby), so I consider myself very lucky. Hope you get to see those cherry blossoms!

  3. Hi Erica!!

    You're from SF?? I am in the Bay Area too! We are planning a meet up for April! You should join us. :) If you search Northern California Teachers on Facebook, you should find our page! Add on and stay informed about fun blogger meet ups! It's also a great way to connect with teachers in the area!

    I love your blog and I am glad that I found you on here! I am your newest follower! Come by my blog and follow me too! :) Happy Sunday!

    Hooo-Ray For Teaching

    1. Hi Brianne,
      I would love to meet up with you guys! I found the Northern California Teachers fb page but it is closed to new followers...Could you send me an invite? Looking forward to meeting more teachers in the area.
      Thanks for stopping by! :)


  4. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the March Currently! That sounds like quite a trip to take with 2nd graders! I have heard many amazing things about House of Cards. I will have to check it out this summer!
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth
