
Wordless Wednesday {A Moment of Reflection}

My school is on break this week, so my Wordless Wednesday isn't completely work related. Since I've had a few days to slow down and reflect on the last few months, I realize how far I've come (literally), but also how far I have to go until I feel "at home" again. I've been back in the US for three months after living and working in Europe for a significant period of time.  But moments like this, away from the daily routines of work, I find myself thinking about Europe.

What do I miss? Mostly, I miss the slower, simpler lifestyle. I miss outdoor cafés, an aperitivo after work, small neighborhoods bustling with people and life, walking through narrow, crooked alleyways on my way to the market, packing a back and hopping on a train to visit a new place on the weekend. I miss the friends I made there, now scattered throughout a variety countries. I miss learning another language, being uncomfortable, but becoming a stronger person for it. I miss the history and architecture, each building's charm and ancient details still (mostly) intact. I miss eating local foods--and lots of them--without talk of calories or consequences.

Now that I'm back in the US, I have a job at a school I love, and work with some extremely intelligent, kind, and supportive people. Many of my students have either lived abroad or have traveled quite a bit, so we have that in common. (I chose this school because of its international community.) I understand what they've experienced and where they're coming from, so it helps me build relationships with them and appreciate their varied perspectives.

Anyway, I'm sure everyone goes through this. Anyone who has moved understands these feelings of sadness and regret mixed with optimism and hope. I'm really lucky to be where I am today, but can't help but think about the many roads that led me here.

One of the cobblestone streets in my neighborhood in Rome

Our last night in Rome, walking home after dinner


  1. How lucky you are that you had this experience! I lived in Germany for 8 years as a child and still have great memories of traveling all over Europe- including walking through the Coliseum in Rome with my Popaw!
    Teachers Are Terrific!

    1. Those sound like great memories with your family. I hope you're able to go back and revisit some places from your childhood.
      Thanks for your note!

  2. Thanks for sharing these pictures! I would love to travel to Europe! Sounds like you chose a great school to work at and have a lot to offer the students!


    1. Thanks, Heather! I know Europe seems so far away, but it's definitely worth the time and money! I hope you can travel there very soon! :)
